The Ultimate Checklist For Moving With Your Furry Friend
The Ultimate Checklist For Moving With Your Furry Friend

The Ultimate Checklist For Moving With Your Furry Friend

What can you do to help your dog adjust better to your move? If moving is stressful for us humans, it must be even more traumatizing for our animal friends. People are generally well prepared when it comes to moving and traveling with children, but for some reason, the same attention to detail is rarely given to our furry companions. Many of us are left with a massive question mark on how to move and relocate with our pets, which is why people generally outsource the responsibility to companies that cater to pet relocation. These services are extremely expensive, but you don’t have to rely on such services if you have the right tools to do it yourself. 

We have created the ultimate checklist for all you pet owners out there. This is the ultimate (insert pet type) moving kit to make the move as pain-free as possible for all parties involved. 

If moving is stressful for us, it’s even more traumatic for our pets because they have absolutely no idea what is happening. To be whisked away from your place of comfort to an entirely new environment is not easy, now add to the equation the fact that you are separated in isolation from the rest of your pack. It’s downright terrifying! It’s one thing to herd your pets in the car and move across the city, but it’s a whole new world of roadblocks if you are moving your pets across the country or even across the world. Fret not my friends, because we have got you covered. You can refer to this ultimate checklist on how to relocate with your pets next time you are on the move. 

Pre-travel notes and plans 


  • Do the proper research on the country you are planning on relocating to. A country that is good for you may not be so beneficial for your pet. Not all cities are as pet friendly as others. Europe is known for being a pet-friendly continent, but many countries in Asia not so much. You should do the necessary research on the place you are planning to move to before you decide to relocate your pet. 

  • Find and consult a qualified veterinarian. The first and most important step you need to take when preparing for relocation with your pet(s) is to find a qualified and reputable vet who can inspect your pet before relocating to another country. You will need official health certificates to prove that your pet is healthy before you can export your pet out of the country. Airlines will also need these documents to grant your pet(s) access on board.  

  • Visit your veterinarian with your pet to ensure that you have done all of your pet’s annual vaccinations, including rabies shots and any other required shots for travel.


  • Ensure that you have all veterinary records (health certificates, vaccination records) in order before you travel. You will need your pets’ veterinary and vaccination records available for boarding and travel. If you are moving your dog to another country, most countries will require that you have these records in order to get a pet-import permit to even enter and stay in the country of destination. Make sure you do your homework according to where you are moving from and to because every country has its own pet-import and export laws that you must follow. If you miss any of the steps required, it can lead to a lot of problems like your pet(s) being quarantined or even being returned to its home country being denied accessibility. Remember to get all of your pet’s past medical information to be sent to the new vet in your new city of relocation. Your vet should know all about the necessary documents and vaccines for air travel. If you are flying to a country that your vet is not familiar with, make sure you do your homework first. Consult the website of your new country’s pet import and export department to find out all the pieces you need from your vet. 


  • If you are worried about your pet having anxiety during air-travel, you can ask your vet for special recommendations to help put your pet at ease. There are various natural remedies you can try but it’s not suggested to sedate or use tranquilisers. Do be careful if your vet suggests that it’s okay to use any of the above methods. There have been many reported cases of pets dying during air-travel from irresponsibility in supplying medication. 


  • Do note that some breeds are not suggested or even banned from air-travel due to safety concerns. Short snout dogs such as Pugs, Boston Terrier, and English Bulldogs tend to have problems via air travel because of their inability to breathe properly at certain altitudes. You should check with your vet and airline to see if it’s even possible for your pet to travel by air. Most countries in Asia, such as Hong Kong, do not permit pet travel via air cabin, therefore all pets must travel in cargo - which can pose an unsafe environment for a lot of pets, especially short snout breeds and pets who are prone to extreme nervousness and separation anxiety. Reported cases of death have been known to occur due to this. It is your rightful responsibility as an owner to be aware of these issues and make the proper choice for the sake of your pet. 


  • Generally speaking, all pets must be at least 8 weeks of age by the time of travel. Within the United States, it’s not legal or ethical to allow a pet to travel before it reaches 8 weeks of age. Some international destinations may even require that the pet(s) be older (up to 6 months old at times) - so confirm all of this information with the proper authorities before you make any further travel plans.


  • Pets cannot be more than 42 days pregnant at the time of travel. If your pet is pregnant beyond this stage, there is no way you can travel by flight with your pet as it is not safe.


  • If you are travelling by air, you will need to invest in a proper dog crate to keep your dog/cat safe. Make sure that your crate is airline approved before you go out to purchase one. There are detailed specifications on what kind of crate can be used for air-travel. Check with your airline first to see if they have any requirements regarding the type of crate you use. If you are travelling on the road, you should still invest in a crate to keep your pet(s) a comfortable place to rest during the trip. Make sure that you get a crate big enough for your dog to stand up in and lie down comfortably. Test-drive the crate before you travel with it. If travelling by air, you will want to have copies of your pet’s records printed and directly secured to the crate. 


  • Make your pet’s crate as comfortable as possible. You can do this by putting your pet’s favourite blanket and toys (we recommend washable ones because they may get dirty during the flight), an old shirt that has your smell on it (to put their anxiety at ease) - anything to make your pet feel at home in the crate during the hours that you will not be able to be with them. The reason you should not sedate your pet is because your pet will be better able to regulate his body temperature in the cargo hold if he’s not sedated.

  • Contact your airline. Some airlines do not allow for pet-travel, others will allow pets to travel in-cabin with you as long as they are in their crate. Other airlines will only permit air-travel by cargo. Some airlines even restrict pet travel on board during certain times of the year because of excessive heat or extreme cold in the cargo hold. It’s all dependent on your airline and the country in which you are arriving. Whether you are ready to make your booking reservations or not, you should contact different airlines immediately to get all the information you need. it’s your duty to be well-informed because your pet doesn’t know any better. 


  • Find out about quarantine policies in your country of destination. To be extra cautious, find out about how a quarantine policy can be affected should there be any layovers. In some countries, if you have a layover for more than 24 to 48 hours, there are additional requirements for pets. There is nothing worse than having your pet unjustly quarantined for months just because you didn’t do your homework extensively before travelling. If you skip any steps in the paperwork, you can also be liable for quarantine. Most foreign countries will require that your pet be quarantined for a certain amount of time before they are permitted to fully enter the country and go home with you. Not only can this be very costly for you, but the fact that you could be separated from your pet anywhere from 1 to 6 months is also heartbreaking, to say the least. 


  • Research the regulations of the country you are planning to move to. Different countries have different laws. Don’t risk losing your pet because you were too mindless to figure out what the laws are.


  • If you are ready to fly with your pet, be aware that you cannot give him any food to eat at least 3 to 4 hours before the flights. Flying is highly stressful for your pet and feeding them can cause airsickness.

If you are looking for an apartment or luxury home in Hong Kong for you and your furry friend, contact our real estate agents in Hong Kong at Engel & Volkers for more information and viewings of the luxury homes and apartments for sale and rental. Engel & Volkers’ product portfolio ranges from elite homes, luxury mansions, premium residential properties, and other real estate for sale in Hong Kong. We also provide information regarding the real estate market and housing market prices.

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